
Displacement of swash plate

Displacement of hydraulic pump and motor

Displacement of hydraulic pump and motor is either fixed or variable.

The swivel angle of the fixed displacement unit is set by the housing and hence it is fixed. In a variable displacement unit this angle may be smoothly adjust between certain limits. By changing the swivel angle a different piston stroke is obtain and hence an adjustable displacement volume may be produce. Therefore the rotating pistons are support by a swash plate. The angle of the plate determines the piston stroke.

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In variable displacement pumps or motors the displacement volume e.g the pump flow or the suction flow of motors may be varied by adjusting the swivel angle.

As the angle increase, the displacement volume and torque increase. The angle decreases these values decrease accordingly.  If the angle is zero the displacement volume is zero.

Tilting the swash plate of piston pump

The displacement of the piston pump is dependent on the number of the piston, their diameter and stroke length.  The variable axial piston pump has a fixed piston that can vary the stroke length by tilting the swash plate. When plate is perpendicular to the piston flow will cease. If the swash plate set at 10° from perpendicular a small amount of fluid will flow. If stroke length of the pistons is totally out the maximum fluid will flow in the hydraulic system.

Displacement of swivel angle
The pump swivel angle may be smoothly adjusted through zero. Motor may swivel on one side of center and is also adjustable.

If variable pumps are use in a hydraulic system, the conditions of use with respect to viscosity – temperature (behave of a fluid at a particular reference temperature) would change considerably.

Displacement hydraulic pump and motor
Hydraulic pump and motor symbols. The diagonals arrows through the symbol indicate variable flow.

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